New York City is filled with trucks—containers transporting anything from food and tools to money and trash. For this first exercise, I had to create two html pages that must somehow link to one another while recreating it within the browser.
For this assignment, I was exploring the responsive potential of websites using CSS media queries and created a modular composition with at least 3 breakpoints.
I had to create a small plant out of html and css. Using the setInterval function we reviewed last class to program the plant to slowly change overtime. Utilizing responsive units like %, vw, vh, this plant had to be responsive: not only to browser width but also to browser height.
This group project explored conventions and outputs of a single Javascript event handler, considered as a deep-dive into a found interaction. We decided to recreate Thesaurus' website and speficially the click interaction that showcased all the different synonyms depending on the different meaning of the word.
This group project acted as a prelude of my Collections project for Core Studio. After finding a common theme between our collections, we had to create 4 interactions (filters, hovers, buttons, scrolling, etc) to view and modify our combined mini-collection of 20 images total.